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Access your inner power and live the life you’ve imagined.

Melissa Ortiz

Hi, I'm Melissa Ortiz

Founder of 



My Journey


"Is this the success I’ve been dreaming and working so hard for?"

I couldn't help but ask myself this question, and it weighed on my conscience. My career was thriving, and I was part of an incredible company that cherished its employees, customers, and investors. But something felt amiss; my energy was waning.

I came to realize that I had been holding back from pursuing larger projects and roles, all because I was feeling drained. I stood at the pinnacle of my career, yet I found myself at the bottom of my personal energy and health. I was overburdened, stretched too thin, and overwhelmed. Leading global teams and serving customers worldwide meant relentless travel and excruciatingly long workdays. For years, I was trapped in a cycle of unattainable perfection and guilt, unable to pinpoint what was holding me back. That's when I made a conscious choice to prioritize alignment, energy, and joy as essential components of my success.

"You glow differently when you confidence is fueled by belief in yourserlf and the energy from doing the work."

- Melissa Ortiz

Live In Your Power

This deliberate shift sparked a transformation that shaped me into the woman, wife, mom, and leader I am today.

Today, I'm on a mission to empower professional women ready to take their leadership careers and personal lives to new heights. I guide them in crafting professional and personal growth plans aligned with their unique vision of success. Together, we harness mindset and energy tools to unlock and sustain high levels of emotional and physical vitality. We discover their inner wellspring of power, enabling them to thrive in both their careers and personal lives.

I employ my Growth Energy Momentum method in workshops and coaching sessions, equipping women with proven practices to regain control of their lives.

My Qualifications

With 22 years of diverse leadership experience spanning quality, supply chain, customer service, engineering, and operations in the medical device field, I bring a global perspective and hands-on leadership wisdom honed while living abroad in China and leading teams across Puerto Rico, the United States, China, and Amsterdam.

In 2019, I embarked on a new path, launching my leadership development and coaching company after becoming certified as a Speaker, Coach, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team. I fuse leadership, energy, and well-being principles to offer women a fresh approach to achieving remarkable personal, professional, and organizational performance.

Family And Sunshine

When I'm not captivating audiences in workshops or igniting transformation through coaching, you'll find me savoring life's treasures. I'm a mastermind at crafting unforgettable family adventures, whipping up healthy brunches that delight the taste buds, embracing an active lifestyle, and basking in the beauty of beachscapes while enjoying a glass of fine wine.

Six fun facts that you may not be familiar with:


1️⃣ I discovered my passion for health and fitness at the age of 45, shedding an incredible 70 pounds just five years ago, proving that it's never too late to embark on a journey towards health and vitality.

2️⃣ Thailand holds a special place in my heart. The exquisite Thai cuisine, breathtaking beaches, and refreshing coconut shakes— they're all part of my love affair with this enchanting destination.

3️⃣ Disney isn't just a theme park; it's a world of enchantment for me. I've ventured to every Disney park across the globe, immersing myself in the magic.

4️⃣ For the adventurous souls, I'm a devoted cruise enthusiast, and my top pick is the epic 11-night New Zealand voyage.

5️⃣ Here's a delightful quirk: Despite residing in China for six years, I never took up cycling. Learning to ride a bike remains an intriguing item on my bucket list.

6️⃣ As a testament to my leadership legacy, I proudly received the 2012 global Female Leadership Excellence Award from the esteemed medical device company I dedicated my talents to.

Reignite Your Inner Power


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